Rock-Star Confidence With These 5 Practical Tips- By: H. Moritz Gleitman

Description : "When we believe in ourselves we can experience curiosity, happiness, surprise and all those emotions that make us profoundly human." E.E. Cummings.

Having a higher self-esteem and self-confidence does not make us superheroes automatically, but it is the first step to better address the challenges of everyday life and our most ambitious goals.

Low self-esteem can be a huge obstacle in the path towards our dreams and goals. When we stop believing in ourselves, in our potential and our ability, the outside world and those around us begin to make vital decisions for us.

The good news is that our self-esteem is not irrevocably set in stone. You may not be able choose the color of your eyes or your hair, but you can always learn to respect yourself more, to recognize your limits but appreciate your strengths.

So, I can certainly give you 5 academic techniques to boost confidence in yourself , but today, I want to talk to five perfectly practical actions that have proved highly effective in increasing a depleted self-esteem:

1. TAKE CARE OF YOUR APPEARANCE. I always preferred the individuals 'essence to' appearance, but the manner you treat yourself, your physical appearance and the way you dress can have an important impact on your self-esteem. Sometimes, when we feel out of sorts and out of shape, a bit of physical 'refreshment', can do wonders. A good long hot shower, an attractive aromatic scent, and our favorite item of clothing are great for increasing the confidence in ourselves.

2. THINK OF THE WAY YOU THINK OF YOURSELF. Caring for your appearance, not only makes us feel better, but helps us to create a new image of ourselves. Much of our self-esteem is linked to the image that we project of ourselves in our minds. This picture is not always true and often we tend to give more weight to our faults than to our strengths. This image is not carved in marble, edit it as if you had one of those programs available for digital manipulation. This is not to lie to yourself, but rather to balance out your strengths and weaknesses.

3. CAREFULLY DEFINE YOUR GOALS. Another important part of our self-esteem is linked to the objectives that we can achieve. Sometimes in our life, there are weeks that seem punctuated by repeated failures, the causes are many: damn bad luck (much less than we think), our lack of self-discipline (often but not always), inevitable obstacles that we had not counted upon . Yet we often fail to achieve our goals because of how we define them. More modest objectives can best lead to more favorable results and consequently to greater self-esteem.

4. COMPILE A PERSONAL DIARY. While most of the time our memory serves us very well , there is a tendency to create quite a foggy recollection of our failures and our successes, which is why a personal diary, in which to capture our daily thoughts and our experiences (both positive and negative), can help us have more objectivity toward the results we have achieved in the past. Know yourself, what you have already faced and how they're released, it can be a mainspring for increased self-confidence.

5. SPEAK SLOWLY AND QUIETLY. It never ceases to amaze me how our bodies and our gestures affect our mind and vice versa. I'm sure you've heard the saying; "fake it till you make it" (pretend a better you, until you become it), meaning that even before you achieve high self-esteem, it helps to pretend to act like someone very confident. Some practical example? Try to speak slowly and with authority. One who speaks calmly and firmly proves that one has complete mastery of the subject, not having to rush forward to express an opinion.

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